We remember in prayer


Sat 2 Jan 7.30pm  Fr Feehan & Fr Morrissey

Sun 3 Jan 11.00am Mattie Connolly, Ardmayle West                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


Sun 10 Jan 9.30am Denis & Mary Kennedy, Lowergate Sq., Cashel

Wed 6 Jan is the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Masses on Wednesday: Dualla 9.30am; Boherlahan 11.00am. The great feast of the Epiphany recalls the adoration of Jesus by the Magi. They represent followers of neighbouring pagan religions who come to recognise in Jesus the one and only Saviour. 

Parish Masses:  During the Level Five restrictions it is intended to continue parish Masses in both churches, with ‘drive in’ attendance only. Please note that all Masses in Boherlahan will be live streamed. 

  • Weekend Masses will be at the usual times. 
  • Weekday Masses will be as follows next week: Boherlahan: Monday to Friday at 10.00am, except Wednesday (Epiphany) at 11.00am. Dualla: Monday to Friday at 9.30am. 

New Year Good Wishes and Thanks: as priests of the parish, we wish to express sincere good wishes to all the people of the parish. We are indeed very grateful for the friendship, support and cooperation we receive from so many people. We have so many loyal, committed and dedicated people in the parish and we appreciate you all. Thanks to all who have helped in so many different ministries in the parish during the past year. We pray that all the parishioners of Boherlahan-Dualla will find good health, friendship, hope and peace in 2021.

Epiphany Reflection: People find God in many different ways: through prayer, nature, love, sacraments and even suffering. Like the Magi, we find God in our own way. Each of us is following a personal star that leads to God. The Magi did not follow many of the ordinary routes that the people of their day travelled towards God. They embarked on their own way, and ultimately found God in a child. This kind of search is part and parcel of being human. When we are captivated by beauty; pray for another’s health; show love to another; question the meaning of life; act for justice; and search for the meaning of suffering, we have touched something of the Divine. Without perhaps being aware of it, we are following our own star. All of us travel a road similar to that of the Magi whenever we follow the star of love, goodness, faith, courage, or justice. The light of the star is the light of God. Jesus, once the child at Bethlehem, continues to reach out to people, finding them as they look for him. He found, and continues to find, people in religious and non-religious places. On this Epiphany, let us ask the Lord Jesus to keep us moving towards him. (Donal Neary SJ, with slight adaptations)

Booking of Masses: anniversary Masses etc. continue to be offered as usual. Bookings may be made by contacting the sacristan or either of the priests of the parish. 

Important dates for your Calendar: Confirmation & First Holy Communion: 

Confirmation: The date of Confirmation for the parish of Boherlahan-Dualla is Wednesday 12 May 2021.The details relating to venues, the number of ceremonies, or whether the Archbishop will be in attendance, will be decided at a later date. When you receive the Parish Calendar, you will notice that the date of Confirmation is May 5. This was an error in typing.

First Holy Communion: Two dates have been arranged with each of the three schools. Each school has fixed a date in March and also a fall-back date in May for First Holy Communion. These dates will be communicated to the parents through the school. They also appear in our Parish Calendar. All these dates are provisional due to Covid 19.

Scoil San Isadóir will mark its 50th anniversary in 2021. We plan to publish a book to mark the occasion. Many of you will be in touch with family over Christmas. The committee would love to hear from them/you in relation to their/your time in school, maybe some significant memories, photos, achievements, where are they now? Please get in touch at stisidores50@gmail.com or check our facebook page. 

Boherlahan Parish Hall Redevelopment Update: Planning Permission application for the redevelopment of Boherlahan Hall and associated car park was submitted prior to Christmas to the local authority. Included in the application is an extension to the existing Boherlahan village car park into the front section of Bianconi Park, in line with the existing church boundary wall. This provision of additional parking has been mandated by the County Council Engineer to facilitate both the hall redevelopment and to alleviate existing parking and traffic management issues within the village. Funding sources for the expansion of the car park will be investigated further in 2021. Updated plans and architectural impression of proposed new Boherlahan Community Centre and car park expansion have been uploaded to the community website www.boherlahandualla.ie. Please return any comments or suggestions to boherlahanduallapc@gmail.com.

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm by phoning 0818 222 024, and will remain open over the Christmas period.

Prayer for the Epiphany: God our Father, the star that led the Magi to the stable announced to the world that its Saviour was born. Today we live in a world that is still covered by darkness, and still needing to make that journey to the stable door. May our lives reflect your light day by day, as we seek to serve where you have placed us. May we, through your grace, be the means through which others can encounter Jesus Christ each day. Amen.

Epiphany Home Blessing: a custom in homes of many countries including Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Sweden, is to inscribe the letters CMB above the front door, placing a cross between each letter, framed by the date of the current year: 20 +  C + M + B + 21 . This is done each year on January 6, the Epiphany, commemorating the wise men led by a star to the new-born Jesus. Legend has it their names were Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. Many people interpret the three letters as the initials of those names. In reality these letters originate from the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat (May Christ Bless This Home). This religious custom expresses the belief that the Lord remains close to his people throughout the year.